i had t go. i'd been t st particks t honor bobby. this was as critical a view. i dislike lines + crowds. i went t the sox victory parade in '04 + the first one for the pats in the snow. glad i went, but after waiting for hours on numb feet just t see the boats lumber by i was let down, bored, is-that-all-there-is-to-a-victory-parade? sure, it was good t plant my feet in honor of the hard-earned, long time coming, champs. t see the rock star athletes on display in real time. but once was enough. on the other hand i liked being in line t hear obama speak during the campaign. the people, thousands upon thousands, psyched, inspired, happy, up - a part of something bigger than my routine, as if all were one. that was the last time i saw teddy. bellowing on stage t introduce the new torch bearer. i'd also met him, years back, in a bar. shook his generous hand. 'good t meet ya, senator...' etc. not a big deal but something never forgotten. on the way t the jfk library, on the T, looking out the window it seemed as if a lot o' guys looked like him. overweight, chin up jaunty, toothy grin, eyes on the sky, feet on the ground. but they weren't. no one was or ever will be. not in my lifetime. the line was as diverse racially as it could be in this ol' whitey town. there were tears wiped away under sunglasses. eyes downcast or uplifted or both. kind thoughts about strangers. i was gonna read t pass the time, but didn't. i quietly inched towards the under sail like library with the rest. the kennedy kids thanking us for being there, for coming t honor their grandfather, for loving the world he believed could be better even as dark forces conspire against it. inside the smith room where i'd last seen krugman speak, lay the great man in state, surrounded by soldiers who didn't blink, by members of families who'd lost love ones on 9/11, who'd been connected to the senator in loss, by members of the clan who sat quietly on spindly metal chairs. we had t be there. all of us. to do this. to honor this storm of a man who outlasted so many hurricanes in his personal + public life. we need him now more than ever. every time, every time i hear the words: 'and the dream shall never die' tears fill my eyes.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Friday, September 11, 2009
small talk big talk
Monday, September 7, 2009
alpha before omega
golf tits
i see them, those bight shirted middle aged men (Tiger too) lumbering down the links in the blazing sun. there they jiggle, the dude boobs, left, right, up, down, shiver and shake. they make me laugh. i wonder if the wives in their lives look over at the tube while spooning slobber up baby's chin and notice them, their husband's titties and think: 'how did he let this happen?!' i don't play the game, but i sport my own omelettey pair. i sense them boobing about in my t-shirt as i careen around Doyle's. there they are in the window. there they are in the mirror. there they are when i bend over to take an order. do they cleave? should one have work done? do the lovers in our lives go for them? are they something to squeeze, to feel comfy with as the waist expands? on the mountain top of the male rack, the prime example are golfers with titties. it doesn't make sense. they're athletes, right? they walk around a lot. some slave carries the bag, but the players tromp up and down the fairways and soldier on. do they scarf down pizza and beer between strokes? do they huff or puff off camera? do they encourage their titties as a counter balance to an effective swing? would a sports bra squeeze them flat and sweaty? do they hurt? will they require a mastectomy at the 19th hole? do they even care that they have jello boobs dancing like miniature fat girls in their Nike shirts? has vanity yet to strike the greens? i think about guitar hero pecs, those perky pikers above heroin-lean abs. those guys look good. they don't play golf. ah ha! so that's it, the game itself! slapping testicular globs across OCD lawns. have they been unconsciously castrating themselves into chicks with dicks? eew.
chew bakka laureate
car washed
pool hopping
vampire at the bar
chinese box
small-time marquis
prom date
the switch
*courtesy of Susie
coke + a can o' coke
put to sleep
killing the birthday balloon
piss etiquette
bourne-d to death
band parents
clothes hoarse
i am not turned out. i never give it a thought. i tell myself i'm ok with it. i can pass as someone who dresses adequately. it's the same today as it was when i was as a kid. in high school i wore the standard blazers and sweaters, nothing exceptional. i looked all right leaving the house, but as soon as i got to school i was a disaster - cereal on tie, milk on pants, loafers crushed at the heel, shirt tail out, dandruff on shoulders and ink stains on shirt cuffs. today the last place i spend cash is on clothes. i shop old navy, the salvation army and boomerangs. i buy dumb t-shirts and generic pants with too many pockets. the t's have armpit holes, dated logos and they're getting bigger. they resemble hawaiian mumus. from XL to XXXL they've become the Super Bowl of t's. they tent over my beer belly like a deflated all weather dome. sometimes i experiment with color. red t, green pants - Christmas-y! brown on brown - Miles Davis-y! black-on-black - DKNY-sy! and i make hardly a dent in hipster-ville. as for the shoes? my party shoes? buxom Doc Martin boots, scuffed up like scabs and worn rarely. the laces are ravaged and stressed out like raw nerves. they require 'orthotics' - layered strips of rubber that lift and twist my right heel to make one leg longer or shorter than the other and to take the pressure off my hip and lower back. my podiatrist intones: "forget surgery; go with the orthotics" (which is hard to pronounce without a lisp...orthotixth). they slide like stubborn trout into the bottoms of my 'beasts', the sneakers he also insisted upon which, at $120 a pop, are as expensive as they are ugly. they come in bleach white only, like nurses marsh mellow shoes and are, within a week, transformed into petri dishes of doyles drippings and droppings, the white smudged out, with my big toenail poking through the upper front and busting a peek hole that looks like an inflamed asshole. maybe they should call them that: 'assholes'. anyhow, i wear these more than the party boots just because i don't want to bother with the trout transfer and i figure who's gonna look at my feet anyway? perhaps if i had short people 'lifts' or cha-cha heels i'd seem more in style, but i gave that up years ago. like Popeye says: 'i yam what i yam' - a pig in a t-shirt with fat shoes.
o tannenbaum
vox humana
my ridiculous hair
poke through
rimbaud, redux
tar, baby
cat abrasion
mouse everest
yellow teeth
dog food
gay schmay
fat face
every single morning, out of the sack i fart, piss, feed my cat, rip open the curtains, gulp vitamins and park in front of computer. every single morning. but today i notice a strange hot tingling expanding on surface of my chest. it ekes it's way up my neck, down across my forearms, onto my face and then, as if sunburned from the inside out, the skin on my cheeks begins to bloat, as if Botox is being injected into all the wrong places. instead of ironing out a crevasse, it plumps up the skin on either side creating an aerial Grand Canyon of my face. i look as grotesque and distorted as The Thing. in the mirror i see the distortion with horror-movie horror (hands on the side of my face and a silent scream). after 30, 40 minutes, it goes away. my doc thinks its a late developing allergic reaction to the vitamin ammo i've been shoving down my throat for the last 30 years. i'm gonna try not taking them and keeping an eye peeled. should it happen again, i'll take a snap, or a sped-up, time lapse video - a narcissist's nightmare on Centre Street.
bad burgers
fish nets
you make a snap decision and it turns out to be a fiasco. this time it was fish nets, lime green, sparkly fish nets. i try them on at a college gig, a fucking college. i'm wearing short shorts, a see-thru skimpy ladies 'blouse', gold reflective converse all stars and fucking lime green fish nets. if this was a nod to glam, to Bowie, to some consistent 'look' maybe i could have cut it. but no, this was a fluke. it came out of left field. it was right up there with the gold lame pajamas i wore for an Orchestra Luna show at the Orpheum. the band didn't get written up, but the pajamas did. 'jumping around the stage like a hot potato in tin foil'. good going, Berlin. but still, on the top of the embarrassment mountain were the lime green fish nets with my leg hair squirting out between the gnarly threads.